Una festa di famiglia giocosa nella campagna della Toscana
Le vacanze in famiglia sono sempre speciali perché ti permettono di trascorrere del tempo con i tuoi cari. Ma quando coincidono con una festa di famiglia diventano ancora più importanti e guadagnano un posto speciale nella tua memoria.
È il caso di questo grande gruppo che ho avuto la possibilità di incontrare in Toscana e di fotografare in una bella villa nella campagna Toscana: guarda tu stesso!
Festa in famiglia? Rendila indimenticabile!
Quando si avvicina un’importante data, cosa c’è di meglio che pianificare una festa memorabile di famiglia? Invece di una festa semplice, in occasione del sessantesimo compleanno del capofamiglia questo numeroso clan ha optato per una vacanza in Italia.
Hanno affittato Villa Bruschetti, un’antica tenuta nascosta nella campagna toscana. È lì che li ho incontrati nell’ottobre 2019, ed è lì che abbiamo realizzato un servizio fotografico divertente che ha coinvolto tutti: ben undici adulti e sette adorabili bambini.
Un servizio fotografico prezioso in Toscana
Per questa celebrazione di famiglia, mi è stata richiesta una serie di ritratti di gruppo e alcune foto spontanee e divertenti che rappresentavano la vera anima dei protagonisti. Il set scelto era Villa Bruschetti stessa, e i suoi dintorni: gli spazi aperti, con tanto verde grazie al giardino e al parco, sono stati assolutamente perfetti.
La luce calda del giorno ha dato un tocco morbido alle immagini, mentre le interazioni spontanee tra i membri della famiglia le hanno infuse di gioia e divertimento. Ai piccoli piaceva giocare con i loro genitori e tutti i parenti sono stati estremamente felici di trascorrere del tempo insieme, condividendo questa nuova esperienza unica.
Credo fermamente che un servizio fotografico come questo sia uno dei migliori regali che puoi fare alla tua famiglia e a te stesso. Un regalo che avvicina gli uni agli altri, ma anche un regalo che rimarrà indelebile per sempre. Soprattutto se stamperai le fotografie, sarai in grado di apprezzarne il valore. Diventeranno un vero cimelio, da guardare ancora e ancora e poi tramandare di generazione in generazione.
Se anche tu desideri festeggiare il tuo traguardo familiare con un servizio fotografico in Toscana, contattami: sarò felice di essere il tuo fotografo.
A playful family celebration in the countryside of Tuscany. Family holidays are always special because they allow you to spend time with your loved ones. But when they coincide with a family celebration they become even more meaningful, and they earn a place of honor in your memory. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
A very precious Tuscany photoshoot. For this family celebration, I was requested a series of group portraits and some candid photos that represented the real soul of the protagonists. The chosen set was Villa Bruschetti itself, and its surroundings: the open spaces, with lots of greenery thanks to the Italian garden and the park, were absolutely perfect. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
Family celebration? Make it unforgettable! When an important milestone approaches, what’s better than planning a memorable family celebration? Instead of a simple and average party, on the occasion of the head of the household’s 60th birthday this numerous clan opted for a holiday in Italy. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
A very precious Tuscany photoshoot. For this family celebration, I was requested a series of group portraits and some candid photos that represented the real soul of the protagonists. The chosen set was Villa Bruschetti itself, and its surroundings: the open spaces, with lots of greenery thanks to the Italian garden and the park, were absolutely perfect. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
A very precious Tuscany photoshoot. For this family celebration, I was requested a series of group portraits and some candid photos that represented the real soul of the protagonists. The chosen set was Villa Bruschetti itself, and its surroundings: the open spaces, with lots of greenery thanks to the Italian garden and the park, were absolutely perfect. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
A very precious Tuscany photoshoot. The warm light of the day gave a soft touch to the images, while the spontaneous interactions among the family members infused them with love and fun. The little ones enjoyed playing with their parents and cousins, and the adults were extremely happy to spend quality time together, sharing such a unique experience. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
Family celebration? Make it unforgettable! Don’t settle for an average family celebration: turn it into a unique experience thanks to a Tuscany photoshoot, and cherish the images forever. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
Family celebration? Make it unforgettable! The warm light of the day gave a soft touch to the images, while the spontaneous interactions among the family members infused them with love and fun. The little ones enjoyed playing with their parents and cousins, and the adults were extremely happy to spend quality time together, sharing such a unique experience. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
A very precious Tuscany photoshoot. Don’t settle for an average family celebration: turn it into a unique experience thanks to a Tuscany photoshoot, and cherish the images forever. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
Family celebration? Make it unforgettable! The warm light of the day gave a soft touch to the images, while the spontaneous interactions among the family members infused them with love and fun. The little ones enjoyed playing with their parents and cousins, and the adults were extremely happy to spend quality time together, sharing such a unique experience. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
A playful family celebration in the countryside of Tuscany. Family holidays are always special because they allow you to spend time with your loved ones. But when they coincide with a family celebration they become even more meaningful, and they earn a place of honor in your memory. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani
A playful family celebration in the countryside of Tuscany. When an important milestone approaches, what’s better than planning a memorable family celebration? Instead of a simple and average party, on the occasion of the head of the household’s 60th birthday this numerous clan opted for a holiday in Italy. Photo by the Italian vacation family photographer in Tuscany based in Florence Gabriele Fani