Servizio foto in luna di miele: un ricordo incredibile da custodire per sempre
E se, per qualche motivo, non fossi soddisfatta dalle foto del matrimonio che hai sempre sognato? Niente panico: c’è sempre modo per rimediare grazie ad esempio ad un servizio fotografico romantico magari durante la luna di miele oppure il primo anniversario di nozze! Questo è quello che devono aver pensato Cameron e Bret prima di decidere di chiamarmi.
Tutto quello che occorre appunto è contattare un fotografo professionista bravo e prepararti ad esprimere liberamente il tuo amore e gioia. Lascia che la storia e le foto di questa coppia ti ispirino!
Il servizio fotografico dell’anniversario di matrimonio di Cameron e Brett in Toscana
Cameron e Brett sono una splendida coppia americana, in visita nel Chianti in occasione del loro primo anniversario e viaggio in Italia da marito e moglie.
Sfortunatamente, ha piovuto il giorno del loro matrimonio, quindi le loro tanto agognate foto non sono andate proprio come speravano. Non si sono persi d’animo, però: hanno deciso di rimediare in qualche modo decidendo di fare un servizio per il loro anniversario durante il loro viaggio in Italia.
Questa è stata sicuramente un’idea vincente: l’Italia è uno dei paesi più poetici del mondo – e la Toscana ne riassume la quintessenza. La sede in cui hanno soggiornato, Il Castello La Leccia, ha offerto tutto ciò che si può desiderare: un incredibile struttura appena ristrutturata, un elegante giardino, delizioso vino prodotto nella proprietà e una vista mozzafiato sulle dolci colline ricoperte di vigneti.
Castello La Leccia, una location sbalorditiva: tanti scenari diversi per foto esclusive
Avere la possibilità di soggiornare in luoghi fantastici come il Castello La Leccia è sempre una benedizione. Si possono apprezzare molti scenari diversi nello stesso luogo, in modo che le foto risultanti siano tutte diverse l’una dall’altra. Il punto cardine, però, è sempre uno: il forte legame che lega i due protagonisti.
Durante il servizio fotografico dell’anniversario e luna di miele, tutto è andato liscio come l’olio mentre Cameron e Brett hanno rivelato le loro personalità e sentimenti reciproci attraverso gesti genuini e significativi che hanno contribuito a catturare foto emozionanti che sempre hanno sognando dal giorno del loro matrimonio!
Una vacanza con il tuo partner è sempre come una bolla magica in cui tutto ciò che conta siete voi due, e vale la pena ricordarlo. Se desideri fare un servizio fotografico per la luna di miele oppure un anniversario particolare, mandami un messaggio e sarò più che felice di aiutarti a rendere quel momento indimenticabile!
Amazing honeymoon photo session in Tuscany at Castello La Leccia surrounded by green rolling hills and gorgeous vineyards. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Lovely vacation couple walk tour photo shoot at amazing location of Castello La Leccia in Tuscany countryside surrounded by green rolling hills, olive tresses and vineyards. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Couple portrait in Tuscany countryside gorgeous venue at Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Dreamiest elegant and romantic honeymoon photo session in Tuscany countryside at Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Lovely couple portrait candid honeymoon vacation photo shoot in Tuscany countryside at Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Lovely couple portrait candid honeymoon vacation photo shoot in Tuscany countryside at amazing Castello La Leccia near olive tresses and green rolling hills. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Emotional couple portrait honeymoon photo shoot in Tuscany olive trees field at unforgettable venue of Castella La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Lovely portrait in olive trees field in Tuscany countryside at Castello La Leccia. Vacation honeymoon photo shoot. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Beautiful honeymoon vacation photo session in Tuscany countryside at Castello La Leccia surrounding by olive trees and unforgettable vineyards. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Exciting and unforgettable dreamiest honeymoon couple portrait photo session in Tuscany at charming Castello La Leccia venue. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Honeymoon photo shoot in Tuscany at Castello La Leccia. Vacation couple portrait photo into a white street of Tuscany. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Emotional and dreamiest photo couple honeymoon photo shoot in Tuscany countryside at amazing location of Castello La Leccia. Vacation photographer in Tuscany. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Lovely couple vacation photo session in Tuscany at the amazing location of Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Emotional, creative and modern couple portrait during honeymoon photo shoot in Tuscany at the amazing location of Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Vacation and honeymoon couple portrait photo session in Tuscany at unforgettable venue of Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Honeymoon photo shoot. The dreamiest memory to cherish forever at the amazing location of Castello La Leccia in Tuscany countryside. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Honeymoon photo shoot. The dreamiest memory to cherish forever at the amazing location of Castello La Leccia in Tuscany countryside. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Romantic and elegant honeymoon portrait in Tuscany countryside amazing venue of Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Romantic and elegant honeymoon portrait in Tuscany countryside amazing venue of Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Dream comes true. Elegant couple portrait during honeymoon vacation photo session in Tuscany at amazing venue of Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Tuscany countryside of amazing venue Castello La Leccia is the dreamiest location where this couple take their unforgettable honeymoon photo shoot. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Epic, elegant and unforgettable vacation couple photo shoot in Tuscany countryside of the amazing location of Castello La Leccia the perfect venue for their honeymoon. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Honeymoon photoshoot. The dreamiest memories to cherish forever in Tuscany countryside at gorgeous venue of Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Poetic honeymoon photo session in Tuscany countryside at charming venue of Castello La Leccia. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.
Elegant and unforgettable honeymoon couple portrait photo shoot in Tuscany at amazing Castello La Leccia venue. Photo by the Italian elegant, creative and modern vacation portrait photographer in Tuscany based in Florence.