Immagina un servizio fotografico pre-matrimonio in una delle isole più pittoresche d’Italia. Poi un matrimonio a Sorrento, circondati dal giallo dei limoni e dall’azzurro del cielo e del mare. Visualizza la tua festa in una villa estremamente elegante, con una terrazza che si affaccia sulla penisola.
Bene, questo era il desiderio di Steffany e Joel, e l’hanno realizzato, con un matrimonio a Sorrento che sembrava uscito direttamente da un film.
Il pre-matrimonio a Capri di Steffany e Joel
Steffany e Joel, splendida coppia di Miami, sognavano di sposarsi in perfetto stile italiano: ecco perché hanno optato per un matrimonio a Sorrento. Essendo molto religiosi, tenevano particolarmente a un evento così significativo, quindi hanno voluto fare le cose in grande e aggiungere un servizio fotografico pre-matrimonio a Capri. In quell’occasione, hanno avuto la possibilità di liberare il loro amore reciproco senza dover pensare ad altro.
È stato un servizio fotografico assolutamente romantico, che abbiamo realizzato in tutti i punti più belli dell’isola grazie ad un auto privata. Gli highlight? Probabilmente la strada panoramica che si affaccia sui faraglioni mozzafiato: godendo sicuramente di quei momenti creando ricordi senza fine…
Matrimonio a Sorrento, a Villa Angelina
Ma l’evento più importante doveva ancora venire: il giorno seguente è stato finalmente il momento del matrimonio di Steffany e Joel a Sorrento.
Dopo alcuni eleganti scatti durante la preparazione, è arrivato il momento del primo sguardo prima della celebrazione della cerimonia, anche se in questo caso si è trattato in realtà di uno “sguardo cieco”. Gli sposi si sono “incontrati” ai due lati di un angolo senza guardarsi, tenendosi per mano ma volgendo lo sguardo in due direzioni diverse e scambiandosi parole di gratitudine e di fede: è stato incredibile e decisamente commovente.
Durante la cerimonia, svoltasi sulla splendida terrazza di Villa Angelina, il tempo non è stato dei migliori a causa del forte e freddo vento… ma agli sposi non è sembrato un granché. È stato un rito emozionante, seguito da ritratti di coppia nel raffinato parco della Villa e seguita da una cena divertente. Dopo discorsi e balli, la torta è stata tagliata con i fuochi d’artificio sullo sfondo: un modo esclusivo per concludere questo bellissimo matrimonio a Sorrento!
Se stai organizzando il tuo matrimonio in Italia e stai cercando immagini che ti permettano di riviverlo ancora e ancora, non esitare a contattarmi.
Bride and groom wedding portrait in Sorrento at amazing terrace of Villa Angelina. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Couple portrait engagement pre-wedding photo session in a scenic road with breathtaking sea stacks of Capri island. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Couple portrait engagement pre-wedding photo session in a scenic road with breathtaking sea stacks of Capri island. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Lovely and romantic couple engagement photo shoot in Capri. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Exciting engagement pre-wedding photo tour in Capri with a private car. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Intimate and romantic couple portrait engagement pre-wedding photo shoot in Capri. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Lovely and intimate engagement pre-wedding photos in Capri island. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Amazing and romantic couple portrait engagement pre-wedding photo tour in Capri island. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Elegant and intima pre-wedding couple portrait photo session in Capri. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Exciting couple portrait engagement pre-wedding photo shoot in Capri. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Dreamy and romantic couple portrait engagement photo tour in streets of Capri. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Lovely and romantic engagement portrait in the streets of Capri. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Couple portrait engagement session and pre-wedding in Capri streets. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
A dream comes true. Engagement pre-wedding photo tour in the streets of Capri. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Exciting and elegant couple portrait photo shoot in Capri island. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Engagement session walk tour in Capri streets. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Dreamy and evocative engagement pre-wedding photo shoot in Capri island. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Pre-wedding photo shoot in Capri island a dream comes true. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Unforgettable destination pre-wedding photo tour in the streets of Capri. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Lovely, elegant and romantic evocative destination engagement pre-wedding couple portrait photo shoot in the tourist port of Capri. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Lovely, elegant and romantic evocative destination engagement pre-wedding couple portrait photo shoot in the tourist port of Capri. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Dream destination wedding in Sorrento at elegant Villa Angelina. Bride Steffany in her elegant Bellissima Bridal Designs wedding gown just before the outdoor ceremony. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Elegant and beautiful bride Steffany in her Bellissima Bridal Designs wedding gown. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
After some elegant shots of them getting ready, the moment of the first look came Ð although in this case it was actually a Òblind lookÓ. The bride and groom stood at the two sides of a corner, holding each otherÕs hands but looking in two different directions while exchanging words of gratitude and faith: it was definitely moving. Destination wedding in Sorrento at Villa Angelina. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Amazing and elegant outdoor destination wedding in Villa Angelina terrace in Sorrento. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Beautiful and elegant outdoor ceremony decor at Villa Angelina terrace in Sorrento. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Capri and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Bride Steffany walks down the aisle in Villa Angelina in Sorrento. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Sorrento and Capri Gabriele Fani
Bride Steffany walks down the aisle in Villa Angelina in Sorrento. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Sorrento and Capri Gabriele Fani
Dreamy outdoor emotional and elegant destination wedding ceremony in Sorrento at Villa Angelina terrace. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Amazing outdoor emotional and elegant destination wedding ceremony in Sorrento at Villa Angelina terrace. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Emotional and elegant outdoor destination wedding ceremony at amazing Villa Angelina terrace in Sorrento. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Emotional and elegant outdoor destination wedding ceremony at amazing Villa Angelina terrace in Sorrento. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Bride and groom Steffany and Joel are just married. Destination wedding in Sorrento at Villa Angelina terrace. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Bride and groom Steffany and Joel are just married. Destination wedding in Sorrento at Villa Angelina terrace. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Bride and groom Steffany and Joel are just married. Destination wedding in Sorrento at Villa Angelina terrace. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Amazing bride and groom wedding portrait in Sorrento at Villa Angelina. The amazing terrace of the villa is the perfect location for the outdoor ceremony and portrait session. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Lovely and intimate wedding couple portrait in Sorrento at Villa Angelina. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Unforgettable and beautiful bride and groom portrait in Sorrento at Villa Angelina terrace. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Bride and groom wedding photo at Villa Angelina, Sorrento. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Lovely and elegant bride and groom wedding portraits in Sorrento at Villa Angelina. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Emotional and intimate wedding photo for a destination wedding in Sorrento at Villa Angelina. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Emotional and intimate wedding photo for a destination wedding in Sorrento at Villa Angelina. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Amazing bride and groom portrait with the ÒloveÓ sign at Villa Angelina venue. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Amazing bride and groom portrait with the ÒloveÓ sign at Villa Angelina venue. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Amazing bride and groom portrait with the ÒloveÓ sign at Villa Angelina venue. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Very elegant and beautiful destination wedding dinner decor in Villa Angelina, Sorrento. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Bride and groom first dance at Villa Angelina in Sorrento. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani
Amazing and unforgettable cut of the cake with fireworks at Villa Angelina in Sorrento. Photo by the Italian elegant and modern destination wedding photographer in Carpi and Sorrento Gabriele Fani