Elegante servizio fotografico per famiglia in vacanza nella meravigliosa campagna toscana
Diciamo sempre che le vacanze sono i ricordi più belli della nostra vita, e questo è senza dubbio vero. Ma i ricordi tendono a svanire nel tempo e se viaggiamo spesso con i nostri piccoli tutti questi momenti speciali potrebbero svanire per sempre. E se invece li immortalassimo grazie a un servizio fotografico per famiglia durante la vacanza?
Servizio fotografico per famiglia in vacanza di Serena e Kelvin
Serena e Kelvin, moglie e marito di Singapore, hanno scelto la Toscana come meta per una vacanza rilassante con il loro adorato figlio. Hanno deciso di contattarmi per un servizio fotografico durante le vacanze in modo che il ricordo di quei giorni vivesse per sempre.
Ci siamo incontrati nel luogo in cui alloggiavano, al Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco, e li ho guidati attraverso una sessione fotografica semplice ma significativa. Quando uno dei protagonisti è così giovane, può essere difficile tenerlo concentrato e divertito durante il servizio: ecco perché è sempre meglio assumere un fotografo esperto.
Fortunatamente, il bambino di Serena e Kelvin è stato adorabile e simpatico ed è stato un piacere fargli le foto. Abbiamo giocato e scambiato affetto gli uni agli altri in completa libertà, godendoci quei momenti indimenticabili mentre scattavo i loro ricordi.
Il meraviglioso vigneto di Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco
L’Italia offre un sacco di posti incredibilmente belli da visitare durante la tua prossima vacanza, e la Toscana ha alcune delle ambientazioni più splendide per un servizio fotografico emozionante durante le vacanze di famiglia.
Il Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco è sicuramente uno di quelli: con la sua tenuta di 5000 acri nascosta nel cuore della Val d’Orcia, questo antico borgo perfettamente conservato ti farà vivere un’esperienza unica nel suo genere.
Quando ho scattato le foto di famiglia di Serena e Kelvin, i proprietari sono stati così gentili da aprire la loro vigna privata “Capanna” per noi. Immagina una distesa infinita di dolci colline ricoperte di viti, con un sentiero bianco che guida lo sguardo verso un piccolo, pittoresco boschetto di cipressi. La luce calda e dorata del tardo pomeriggio è stata il tocco finale di un servizio fotografico che sicuramente apprezzeranno per sempre.
Stai per raggiungere la Toscana per una vacanza con i tuoi cari? Contattami e sarò felice di scattare i tuoi ricordi che si trasformeranno nel miglior souvenir che potresti desiderare.
Sweet family holiday photoshoot in the wonderful Tuscan countryside. We always say that vacations make the best memories of our lives, and that’s undoubtedly true. But memories tend to fade with time, and if we are traveling with our little ones they might not even remember those special moments. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Serena and Kelvin’s family holiday photoshoot. Serena and Kelvin, wife and husband from Singapore, chose Tuscany as the destination of a relaxing holiday with their littlest love: their son. Since he was so young, they decided to contact me for a family holiday photoshoot so that the memory of those days would live forever – for all of them. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Serena and Kelvin’s family holiday photoshoot. Serena and Kelvin, wife and husband from Singapore, chose Tuscany as the destination of a relaxing holiday with their littlest love: their son. Since he was so young, they decided to contact me for a family holiday photoshoot so that the memory of those days would live forever – for all of them. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
The marvelous vineyard of Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco. We met at the location where they were staying, Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco, and I guided them through a simple but meaningful photo session. When one of the protagonists is so young, it can be tricky to keep him focused and entertained throughout the shooting: that’s why is always better to hire an experienced photographer. Luckily, Serena and Kelvin’s baby is so lovely and nice that it was a pleasure to take photos of him – and of them together. They could play and show affection to one other in complete freedom, enjoying that quality time as a family while I was taking their unforgettable holiday photos. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Serena and Kelvin’s family holiday photoshoot. Serena and Kelvin, wife and husband from Singapore, chose Tuscany as the destination of a relaxing holiday with their littlest love: their son. Since he was so young, they decided to contact me for a family holiday photoshoot so that the memory of those days would live forever – for all of them. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
The marvelous vineyard of Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco. We met at the location where they were staying, Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco, and I guided them through a simple but meaningful photo session. When one of the protagonists is so young, it can be tricky to keep him focused and entertained throughout the shooting: that’s why is always better to hire an experienced photographer. Luckily, Serena and Kelvin’s baby is so lovely and nice that it was a pleasure to take photos of him – and of them together. They could play and show affection to one other in complete freedom, enjoying that quality time as a family while I was taking their unforgettable holiday photos. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
The marvelous vineyard of Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco. We met at the location where they were staying, Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco, and I guided them through a simple but meaningful photo session. When one of the protagonists is so young, it can be tricky to keep him focused and entertained throughout the shooting: that’s why is always better to hire an experienced photographer. Luckily, Serena and Kelvin’s baby is so lovely and nice that it was a pleasure to take photos of him – and of them together. They could play and show affection to one other in complete freedom, enjoying that quality time as a family while I was taking their unforgettable holiday photos. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
The marvelous vineyard of Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco. We met at the location where they were staying, Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco, and I guided them through a simple but meaningful photo session. When one of the protagonists is so young, it can be tricky to keep him focused and entertained throughout the shooting: that’s why is always better to hire an experienced photographer. Luckily, Serena and Kelvin’s baby is so lovely and nice that it was a pleasure to take photos of him – and of them together. They could play and show affection to one other in complete freedom, enjoying that quality time as a family while I was taking their unforgettable holiday photos. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Serena and Kelvin’s family holiday photoshoot. Serena and Kelvin, wife and husband from Singapore, chose Tuscany as the destination of a relaxing holiday with their littlest love: their son. Since he was so young, they decided to contact me for a family holiday photoshoot so that the memory of those days would live forever – for all of them. We met at the location where they were staying, Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco, and I guided them through a simple but meaningful photo session. When one of the protagonists is so young, it can be tricky to keep him focused and entertained throughout the shooting: that’s why is always better to hire an experienced photographer. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
The marvelous vineyard of Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco. Italy offers a ton of incredibly beautiful places to visit on your next vacation, and Tuscany provides some of the most splendid settings for an emotional family holiday photoshoot. Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco is definitely one of those: with its 5000-acre estate tucked in the heart of Val d’Orcia, this ancient and perfectly preserved hamlet will make you live a one-of-a-kind experience. When I shot Serena and Kelvin’s family photos, the owners were so kind to open their private “Capanna” vineyard for us. Imagine an endless expanse of rolling hills covered in grapevines, with a white path that guides your gaze to a little, picturesque cypress grove. The warm and golden light of the late afternoon was the finishing touch to a family holiday photoshoot that they will surely cherish forever. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
The marvelous vineyard of Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco. Italy offers a ton of incredibly beautiful places to visit on your next vacation, and Tuscany provides some of the most splendid settings for an emotional family holiday photoshoot. Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco is definitely one of those: with its 5000-acre estate tucked in the heart of Val d’Orcia, this ancient and perfectly preserved hamlet will make you live a one-of-a-kind experience. When I shot Serena and Kelvin’s family photos, the owners were so kind to open their private “Capanna” vineyard for us. Imagine an endless expanse of rolling hills covered in grapevines, with a white path that guides your gaze to a little, picturesque cypress grove. The warm and golden light of the late afternoon was the finishing touch to a family holiday photoshoot that they will surely cherish forever. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
The marvelous vineyard of Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco. Serena and Kelvin, wife and husband from Singapore, chose Tuscany as the destination of a relaxing holiday with their littlest love: their son. Since he was so young, they decided to contact me for a family holiday photoshoot so that the memory of those days would live forever – for all of them. We met at the location where they were staying, Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco, and I guided them through a simple but meaningful photo session. When one of the protagonists is so young, it can be tricky to keep him focused and entertained throughout the shooting: that’s why is always better to hire an experienced photographer. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Sweet family holiday photoshoot in the wonderful Tuscan countryside. Serena and Kelvin, wife and husband from Singapore, chose Tuscany as the destination of a relaxing holiday with their littlest love: their son. Since he was so young, they decided to contact me for a family holiday photoshoot so that the memory of those days would live forever – for all of them. Italy offers a ton of incredibly beautiful places to visit on your next vacation, and Tuscany provides some of the most splendid settings for an emotional family holiday photoshoot. Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco is definitely one of those: with its 5000-acre estate tucked in the heart of Val d’Orcia, this ancient and perfectly preserved hamlet will make you live a one-of-a-kind experience. When I shot Serena and Kelvin’s family photos, the owners were so kind to open their private “Capanna” vineyard for us. Imagine an endless expanse of rolling hills covered in grapevines, with a white path that guides your gaze to a little, picturesque cypress grove. The warm and golden light of the late afternoon was the finishing touch to a family holiday photoshoot that they will surely cherish forever. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
The marvelous vineyard of Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco. Italy offers a ton of incredibly beautiful places to visit on your next vacation, and Tuscany provides some of the most splendid settings for an emotional family holiday photoshoot. Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco is definitely one of those: with its 5000-acre estate tucked in the heart of Val d’Orcia, this ancient and perfectly preserved hamlet will make you live a one-of-a-kind experience. When I shot Serena and Kelvin’s family photos, the owners were so kind to open their private “Capanna” vineyard for us. Imagine an endless expanse of rolling hills covered in grapevines, with a white path that guides your gaze to a little, picturesque cypress grove. The warm and golden light of the late afternoon was the finishing touch to a family holiday photoshoot that they will surely cherish forever. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
The marvelous vineyard of Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco. Italy offers a ton of incredibly beautiful places to visit on your next vacation, and Tuscany provides some of the most splendid settings for an emotional family holiday photoshoot. Rosewood Castiglion del Bosco is definitely one of those: with its 5000-acre estate tucked in the heart of Val d’Orcia, this ancient and perfectly preserved hamlet will make you live a one-of-a-kind experience. When I shot Serena and Kelvin’s family photos, the owners were so kind to open their private “Capanna” vineyard for us. Imagine an endless expanse of rolling hills covered in grapevines, with a white path that guides your gaze to a little, picturesque cypress grove. The warm and golden light of the late afternoon was the finishing touch to a family holiday photoshoot that they will surely cherish forever. Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Sweet family holiday photoshoot in the wonderful Tuscan countryside. We always say that vacations make the best memories of our lives, and that’s undoubtedly true. But memories tend to fade with time, and if we are traveling with our little ones they might not even remember those special moments. So what if we keep track of them thanks to a family holiday photoshoot? Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Sweet family holiday photoshoot in the wonderful Tuscan countryside. We always say that vacations make the best memories of our lives, and that’s undoubtedly true. But memories tend to fade with time, and if we are traveling with our little ones they might not even remember those special moments. So what if we keep track of them thanks to a family holiday photoshoot? Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani
Sweet family holiday photoshoot in the wonderful Tuscan countryside. We always say that vacations make the best memories of our lives, and that’s undoubtedly true. But memories tend to fade with time, and if we are traveling with our little ones they might not even remember those special moments. So what if we keep track of them thanks to a family holiday photoshoot? Photo by the Italian experienced elegant family photographer in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany based Florence Gabriele Fani